Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Post For My Mother

A post a week is what I promised to blog.
But I sit on my ass like a lump on a log.
My laundry is folded, but left in a pile.
It has been sitting there for quite a while.
My children are fed, clothed and happy.
But the number of photos I take are crappy.
I spend my time on the computer a lot.
But obviously not posting on blogspot.
I'm enjoying GBTV and the Blaze.
But Facebook and Blogger are in a haze.
I hope to make up to you the lame posts.
And a comment from you is what i want most!

Here is a picture of my first loaf of bread.

A couple of dorks with stuff on their head.

Ben showing off his photograph skill

A cute little girl taking a chill.

One of my best games of Halo's Rumble Pit.

And for this lame post and poem this is it!

Love and miss you Mom!!


Velva said...

Thanks Boo. Love the loaf of bread, love the dorky heads, Love the new photo bug, love the chilling girl's mug. But HALO, really???? Laughing hysterically. Love you!

Jenette said...

You are tooo cute!!!!
I love the poem and all the fun pictures--very clever.